“Kimbambi opens the doors to Knowledge and energy autonomy”
Its main mission is to transmit to you tools of liberation, harmonization and elevation; of your inner states
We support vitality through Gataki quantum care, initiatory support and the sacred word of transmission.
The Kimbambi Center aims to support the human structure in its initiatory process of transformation and interaction with the frequencies of this new humanity. This space accompanies and honors people wishing to understand the sacred meaning of their place.

Kimbambi carries the frequency of the guardians of knowledge.
All my approaches will be imbued with the soul of Kongo consciousness, the paradigm and science of life of my ancestors.
Kongo brings us back to the being who masters knowledge through experimentation and transmutation.
The Muntu (human being) is the ancestor who is on the way back: the Kuna Ka.
Ascension is the ultimate path for all of us. It teaches us that there is no separation between our lower and higher states. The path of the Heart, from the center, invites us to merge now with the multidimensional intelligence that guides our steps.


Kimbambi Quantum Care supports you in your healing process. We are at your disposal for release and support your vital energy with the science of the GataKi elements, multidimensional massages and treatments dedicated to the harmony of the Couple.
The purpose of transmission is to seed, permeate and guide your inner and outer reality. To do this, I rely on my primordial roots and the experiences that transformed me during my journey of transmutation. It is said “I am because you are, you are because I am”, an ancestral adage which reminds us of the importance of knowing one's place and of sitting in it with love in order to grow oneself and one's community. Find our awareness-raising journeys in the initiatory journey.


I come from the great bee forest in Gabon, this space which allowed the activation of my states of consciousness.
The first was my physical birth in 1975 in Libreville, the second was my meeting with a mother Nima, an initiatory mother in the sacred cult of Bitwi, mother Sparkle.
Without any possible coincidence, we both felt that the time had come for me to fully reactivate my consciousness by searching for the essence of the frequency that controls my body.